PMG Process

Connect with us

PMG follows tested processes that yield dependable results. The specific steps will vary somewhat depending which of our services your company uses and the needs of your company.

Following is a snapshot the process you can expect when you hire PMG for our strategic planning, implementation and business coaching services.

Orientation phone meeting


Orientation phone meeting

DURATION : 90 Minutes

Discuss company background, challenges and goals

Approach discussion


Approach discussion

DURATION : 60 Minutes

Establish agreement on goals and boundaries

Research & observation


Research & observation

DURATION : 10 - 30 Hours


  • Research industry and competition
  • Observe company methodologies and financials
  • Obtain personnel feedback with 1:1 calls, surveys and group meetings
Organize key Information into our Strategile proprietary software


Organize key Information into our Strategile proprietary software

DURATION : 2-3 Weeks

Information may include:

  • Vision, mission, values
  • Market analysis
  • Company self-assessment
  • Products and services
  • Competitive analysis
  • PEST andr SWOT analyses from previous steps.
Offsite with Executive Team


Offsite with Executive Team

DURATION : 2 - 3 Days


  • Review and complete vision, market analysis, company self-assessment, products and services analysis, competitive analysis
  • Establish 3 to 4 strategic initiatives for use over the next 18-36 months and create action steps to initiate them
  • Establish business goals, their analytics and action plans for 12 months
  • Establish sizable risks and draft plans to address them.
  • Establish good opportunities and plans to address them including projected ROIs.
Strategy meeting to review and confirm offsite work


Strategy meeting to review and confirm offsite work

DURATION : 2-3 Weeks

Information may include:

  • Confirm critical actions; duration, start/finish
  • Obtain 100% buy-in
  • Develop action steps to include management team and allocate responsibilities
Implementation & monitoring


Implementation & monitoring

DURATION : Varies according to company needs


  • Monitor progress
  • Participate in weekly or monthly meetings until team is proficient in executing and monitoring the plans

Exclusive Coaching As Needed

Quarterly reviews


Quarterly reviews

DURATION : 2-3 Hours Each

Annual review and creating of next year’s goals


Annual review and creating of next year’s goals

DURATION : 2 days (or as agenda dictates)

Periodic monitoring & reviews


Periodic monitoring & reviews

DURATION : 2-3 Years (from implementation)

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